Day 8 prayer

Joseph and Mary arrived to Bethlehem, seeking accommodation in the inns, but they are already found all busy, and because they are discriminate because of their poor looking. However, this can not disturb the inner peace that is fixed in God. Joseph felt surprise when he was rejected from house to house, and because He thought of Mary and the Child, He smiled also so calmly when he setted his eyes on his chaste wife. The unborn child rejoiced on those negative response which were the prelude to his future humiliations. Each voice rough, the slam of each closed door before them, was what he had come for. The desire of these humiliations was what had helped him to take human form.

O divine Child of Bethlehem! These days that so many (people) have been at parties and entertainment or comfortable resting softly in rich mansions, your parents have been to a day of fatigue and abuse of all kinds. Oh! Bethlehem’s spirit is that of a world that has forgotten God. How many times has also we been like them, let us not closed continuously with rude ignorance the door to the calls of God, who is asking us to become, or sanctify or conform to his will? Do not we misuse our sorrows, ignoring their heavenly character that each of us in own our way, has engraved it? God comes to us many times in life, but we do not know his face, or recognize him until we turned his back and walks away after our refusal.

The sun sets on December 24 behind the rooftops of Bethlehem and its last rays gild the tops of steep rocks surrounding it. Rude men rub roughly the Lord in the streets of this village east, and close their doors after seeing his mother, The dome of heaven appears glitter over those hills frequented by shepherds. The stars will appear one after another. Within a few hours will come the eternal Word.