Day 5 prayer

We have seen the life that the Child Jesus carried in the womb of his most pure Mother; let us also see today the life that Mary lead during the same period of time. Today we need to understand through Her feelings, and as far as possible to our limited capability, the sublime mysteries of the Incarnation and the way we have to reciprocate it.

Mary never stopped wondering for the time that She would enjoy that terrestrial beatific vision, the face of God incarnate. She was about to see that human face that would light up the sky for all eternity, She was going to read filial love in those same eyes whose rays should spread happiness forever to the elected millions. She was going to see His face every day, every hour, every moment, for many years. She was going to see him in presumed ignorance of childhood, in the charms of his youth and reflective serenity of mature age… She would do anything He wanted to do, She could cuddle Him with all the freedom of maternal love; cover him with kisses over his lips which should pronounce the judgement to all men; She could contemplate His face as She like during His sleep or awake, until She had memorized it… how ardently She wished that day!.

Such was the expectation of Mary… it was unprecedented in itself, but not so ceased to be part of a Christian life. Let us not be content admiring Jesus living in Mary, but rather let us admire how He was essence, power and presence.

Yes, Jesus is born continuously in us and of us, in a way of good works that enables us to meet our cooperation and grace, so that the soul within the grace is in a perpetual womb of Mary, one endless Bethlehem. After communion Jesus dwells in us, for a few moments, He is really, substantially as God and man, because the same child that was in Mary is also in the Blessed Sacrament. What is all this? but a participation in the life of Mary during those wonderful months, and an expectation full of delights like Hers.