Day 9 prayer

The night closed entirely in the plains of Bethlehem. Discarded by men, and homeless, Mary and Joseph have left the inhospitable town and have taken refuge in a grotto that was at the foot of the hill. The ass that had served to the Queen of the Angels as a humble ride during the trip was still following her. Inside the grotto they found a willing ox, probably left there by one of the walkers who had come to look for a shelter in the city.

The Divine Child, unknown to his rational creatures, will have to resort to the irrationals creatures, to praise for their warm breath to warmed the cold clime of the winter night, and manifest with this their humble attitude, respect and adoration that Bethlehem had been denied Him. The redish lantern that Joseph had on in his hand dimly lit the very poor enclosure, the manger full of hay is prophetic picture of the wonders of the altar, and also the intimate union and prodigious eucharistic that Jesus has to engage with men. Mary is praying in the middle of the grotto, and so silently are passing the hours of that night filled with mystery.

But midnight has come, and suddenly we see within that manger, shortly before empty, the Divine Child expected, predicted, desired for four thousand years with ineffable longing. At His feet prostrates his Blessed Mother, submerged in worship from which nobody can have idea. Joseph also comes over and pays tribute with this he officially inaugurates his mysterious and imponderable role of foster father to the Redeemer of men. A multitude of angels descend from the heavens to contemplate that wonder unparalleled, they burst their joy and leave harmonies vibrate in the air of in Excelsis Glory that echoes of worship that occurs around the Almighty, made it perceptible for a moment to the ears of the poor Earth. Called by them, shepherds of the region come in droves to worship the newborn and present their humble offerings. Shines in the East the mysterious star of Jacob, and it begins the “Wise Men” splendid procession to Bethlehem, who in a few days come to lay at the feet of the Divine Child gold, frankincense, and myrrh, they are symbols of love, worship and mortification.

Oh beloved Child! We too, who have made this novena to prepare your day of Christmas, we want to offer our poor worship. Do not reject it! Come to our souls, come to our hearts full of love! Ignite on them devotion to your holy continuous childhood but limited to the time of your Christmas, always and in all times; this devotion practiced faithfully and zealously propagated, lead us to eternal life, freeing us from sin and sowing all the Christian virtues.