Day 4 prayer

From the womb of his mother the Child Jesus started to implement His entire submission to God, which continued without any interruption throughout His live. He adored his Eternal Father, He loved him, He submitted to his will, accepting with resignation the state in which He was, knowing all His weaknesses, all His humiliation and all His discomforts. Who of us would like to go back to a similar state and with full enjoyment of reason and reflexion?, Who could hold, knowingly so long, a martyrdom, so painful in anyway?. Through there the Divine Child came in His painful and humble career, and began to annihilate before his Father, to show us what God deserves from his infant, He came to atone (keep watch on) our pride, the source of all our sins, and make us feel crime and pride disorder.

We want to make a real prayer; let us start to form an exact notion by watching the Child in the womb of his mother, the Divine Child pray and pray in the most excellent way. He does not speak, does not meditate or melts in tender affections. On This state, He accepted the intention of honoring God, through his prayer and on His state He highly expressed all that God deserves and how it wishes to be worshipped by us.

Let us join with the prayers to Child Jesus in Mary’s womb; let us unite to deep depression and let it be this the first affection of our sacrifice to God. Let us give ourselves to God, not to be something like our vanity continually seeks to be, but to be nothing; to be eternally consumed and overwhelmed, to renounce to ourselves stimulation, to all care of our greatness even spiritual, to any movement of vainglory. Let us disappear in front of our own eyes and God be the only thing to us.