Day 1 prayer
In the beginning of time the Word was resting in the bosom of his Father at the top of heaven, in there He was the cause, along with the model of the creation. In those depths of an untold eternity remained the Child of Bethlehem; before He deigned to descend to Earth and visibly taken possession of the grotto of Bethlehem. Here is where we have to look for His beginnings that have never beginning, hence we date the genealogy of eternity, which has no ancestors and contemplate the life of infinite satisfaction there He had.
The life of the eternal Word in the bosom of his Father was a wonderful life and yet sublime mystery!, Find another home, another ready- made mansion. It was not because in his eternal mansion there was missing something to his infinite happiness, but because his infinite mercy longed for redemption and salvation of mankind, that without Him we could not verified it. Adam’s sin had offended God and that infinite offense could not be condoned but by the merits of the same God. The race of Adam had disobeyed and deserved eternal punishment, it was therefore necessary to save it and meet its fault, that God, without leaving heaven, take the form of man on Earth and obeys the will of his Father atone that disobedience, ingratitude and rebellion. It was necessary, in view of his love, that He taken the form, systematic weaknesses and ignorance of man, it grew to provide spiritual growth to suffer , to die to teach their passions and their pride. And so the eternal Word, burning to save man , and also decided to become man and redeem the guilty.